Friday, August 14, 2020

Glory Road Roleplay

I'd like to take a moment to sing the praises of a small-press game currently available on DriveThruRPG. Glory Road Roleplay. While I haven't run it and the presentation does leave something to be desired, the mechanical bits are really neat in that they provide a good degree of verisimilitude* without complicating things too terribly much.

C.J. Carella (yes, that C.J. Carella) provides a foreword calling out what he liked about the game (and what he stole from it for what would eventually become Unisystem). Read the foreword via the full-size preview on DriveThruRPG (I've provided a link to the product listing below). 

It certainly isn't a game for everybody, but if you like things such as different weapons being treated differently in combat and a good, original, magic system (which I personally find the lack of to be THE biggest weak point in modern fantasy RPGs), then you might want to give Glory Road Roleplay a look. 

*I'm aware that it's cool to hate on verisimilitude now in certain circles, but I still like game design in pursuit of the appearance of realism every now and again.